This is a family favourite. It is guaranteed to transform the humblest of home made baking into total elegance. And if you don’t have time to create elaborate icing, this is the answer.

Difficulty 1/5


  • 1 cup good cocoa (NOT drinking chocolate!!! Careful, this should be real cocoa)
  • 2/3 cup cream
  • 1/3 cup unsalted butter (3.5 oz)
  • 1 1/3 cup castor or fine sugar.
  • Pinch of salt
  • Vanilla to taste


Combine all ingredients except vanilla in a heavy sauce pan and cook over low heat. Stir constantly, never stop. You want the butter to melt and the sugar to dissolve, and nothing to burn. Soon bubbles should form: keep stirring. After about 5 minutes take off heat and add vanilla. This glaze should shine at this stage

While still warm, pour over your cold cake. If you put your cake on a wire rack and pour, the glaze can flow down over the sides for complete coverage, and you may even be able to save the stuff that falls down through the rack for another use. This size batch should cover a 9” cake. If any is left over, bang it in the frig and reheat slowly for reuse. Delicious!